
Well with it coming to the end of November now there is no shortage of ‘interesting’ facial hair going around 🙂 Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to grow anything visible within a month so I never try to take part, but several of the guys in the office do. I managed to grab a few […]

Ross and Sophie

Busy Weekend

Just had a very busy weekend which involved a lot of driving! After having lunch with my cousin and his new Fiancee, I took them out for a quick, impromptu engagement shoot on Aberdeen beach. To Ross and Sophie, thanks for being good sports and putting up with the cold! I’ll update this post with […]

Guy Fawkes Night – Fireworks

“Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot” Well another 5th of November has come round and that means Fireworks night in the UK! Really that just means another excuse to take the camera out. So here are a few of the shots from the Lochee fireworks display in Dundee (and one of […]